This Homepage has Information on South African History,on the Wildlife and the Big Five Game of South Africa.
You Can find Pictures ,Links ,News,Recipes,Joke ,South African Ghost Stories and many other things that mite Intrest you,and also for School Projects,Some Pages are not for childrens View.
You will find link banner on top of the webpages,at the bottom of the website,and on the left side of the page,you will also see alot of pages are link to other sites ,on the Net,and as well linked to partner and our own websites and Homepages...
Our Homepage has 180 sites on 4 homepages to visit,3000 pictures and over 150 linked website on all 4 homepages and Bloggers on South Africa with alot of Information ,linked to 4 homepages that was build up from our team,it took 2 years of hard work to set these Homepages on the web,for viewer to see ,and share around the World...
Thank you to All the Support ,To the People On the Internet ,For the Help and Links ,to Create a Wonderfull Homepage.
To Share with People around the World ,for Young and Old.
Enjoy the Wildlife Pictures ,That you may Copy and Download .
See the Culture and the Wonderful Country South Africa.
This Homepage has a Copywrite. and Last Updated on the 04/06/2012.
You can Click on the Photos ,it will take you to other web sites for Infomation on South Africa
Welcome to the,website of riseing-motor-classics
The website shares information and about , Pick-up Trucks
and Classic Chevys & Ford and Truck Pictures.
During my research I have visiting hundreds of Alien Abduction and UFO and Alien Visitor related websites and links, the best of the websites and links will be found on this Homepage and other Web sites that I have Created , ALL Alien and UFO related Websites and Links visited by the Alien Visitor UFO Alien Abduction Research Project.
This Homepage I have Created and opened , and hope that alot of Truck Drivers Around the World will meet and visit our page ,so if you like Trucks ,you can spread the word to all your friends around the World..So you can meet young and old drivers around the World.
Schon als kleines Kind entdeckte ich die Liebe zur Musik und wollte seitdem nichts anderes machen! Wenn es um Musik geht bin ich immer mit ganzem Herzen dabei.
Geboren und aufgewachsen in Deutschland-Sud Afrika. Seitdem kommt mir alles so Spanisch vor )
Freundlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit sind bei mir ganz groß geschrieben.
Meine Arbeit, mit Spaß und Freude zu machen ist für mich selbstverständlich.
Mein "Motto" lautet: Mann kann dem Leben nicht mehr Tage geben aber man kann den Tagen mehr Leben geben!
My name is A.W. Dezius and I am the sole creator and Webmaster UFO Visitors. I originally created this site in 2015 to share my Website with everyone on the Internet. This Web site is also my hobby, and is funded completely by myself and the site's sponsors. I am a graphic artist and Web designer here in Germany.
I also design and maintain Web sites. Over the years, as my knowledge and experience with the Internet has grown, UFO Visitors has grown. This site has been very well received by the educational community and has received a number of distinctive awards. UFO Visitors has been featured in a number of friends around the world, and has also appeared on Google Blogspot as well as on facebook. I am committed to maintaining UFO Visitors as a personal, informational Web site dedicated to sharing the splendors of our UFO Visitors and the wonders of the universe with all members of the world Internet community