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Radio International Music
A Worldwide Internet Radio Station from Germany ,with many Great Songs from Disco Music - Country - Schlager - Rock Music - Oldies but Goldies as well many other Songs from other Countrys to Enjoy.
Das Radio SAM Germany von Andreas Dezius ist der Radiosender für Schlager Fans. Wenn Sie von einem Internetradio mehr erwarten als die Hits der 80er, 90er und die Charts von heute, dann schalten Sie unser Schlager Radio ein. Radio SAM Germany – das bedeutet Internetradio für die ganze Familie. Radio SAM Germany gibt all den Musikliebhabern eine Chance, die ihr Recht auf einen eigenen Musikgeschmack im anderen Webradios nicht durchsetzen können. Radio SAM Germany finden deutsche Schlager und Volksmusik endlich wieder ein neues Zuhause! Das Radio-Programm vom Radio SAM Germany bietet für jeden Schlagerfan genau das Richtige: Egal ob deutsche Schlager oder, Discofox oder Country, Party-Schlager oder Deutsch Rock, von volkstümlicher Musik bis zu schönen Oldies – auf Radio SAM Germany werden 24 Stunden pro Tag die besten deutschen und internationalen Schlager gespielt, und das an allen 7 Tagen der Woche. Moderne Musiktrends kommen und gehen, die Geschichte des deutschen Schlagers reicht
Radio Springbok Germany
Radio Springbok Germany is op ‘n missie om Suid-Afrika en sy mense te inspireer en ‘n impak te maak met “vermaak wat ‘n verskil maak” anders kan ons die lekker liedjies en grootste treffers van alle tye maar op ‘n CD in die kar luister en die nuus van die dag op die internet lees! Ons vier en geniet alles wat goed en reg is, maar aanvaar ook die verantwoordelikheid vir die dinge wat ons nog wil sien verander! Ons kleur die klankgolwe in met hoop en woorde van lewe, maar lééf ook GROOT in die klein en die onbenullige om ‘n blywende voetspoor in ons gemeenskap te laat. Radio Springbok is jou nommer een radiostasie in Germany en omliggende gebiede, maar ook wêreldwyd vir die duisende Suid-Afrikaners wat uit ons pragtige land geëmigreer het en steeds alles wat LEKKER Afrikaans en LEKKER bekend is wil ervaar. radio stasie Radio Springbok is ‘n opwindende tendens-stellende, opvoedkundige en insiggewende radiostasie, gebore op 1 Januar 2020, toe dit vir die eerste keer begin uitsaai het v
Radio Voortrekker Stereo
Ons is n Klein Radio Stasie, Met Baier Lekker Musik 24/7 ,net vir julle elke Dag ,Metbaier lekker afrikaanse Musik en baier mooi Webwerfe dat n Mens kan Besoek.Ons Radio Stasie Loop reg uit Duitsland. .Radio SAM Music Germany, Former of 5 Internet Radio Stations in Germany run by Zeno Media. Radio SAM GERMANY, Radio Springbok Germany , Radio SAM Oldies-Rock and Radio SAM Country Germany and now Radio-International-Music. System administrator (web hosting) / Web Developer.
Radio SAM Country Germany
We built ‘Radio SAM COUNTRY GERMANY’ for YOU…….. For you to NEVER miss that amazing event. We strive to, at all times, try to take the hassle out of finding out where that favourite artist is performing, have a look at some other artists also performing. Gone are the days of wondering where to go , or are you going to miss out, OR dare we say, that you missed out on a life changing event….No need to go to different websites, only here, one place….all in one. ‘ RADIO SAM COUNTRY GERMANY’ strive to work closely with all different artists and their support to give you up to date fixtures as they happen, so you can plan and attend. ‘ RADIO SAM COUNTRY GERMANY’ wants to be part of your journey to that life changing event. Even more, follow us on social media and let’s share that special life changing evet. Where it will end, we do not know, but rest assured this platform for artists and artists’ is something to take notice of.
Radio SAM Oldies-Rock
RADIO SAM Oldie but Goldie Rock is Running Worldwide ,German Music Radio Stations a Homepage based with a Online Music Radio Station ,from Germany ,and is also a Music Time shareing Radio Station to share with People all around the World for Young and Old,It was founded in february 2020 in Germany. The Facebook Group was founded in 2016 . RADIO SAM Oldie but Goldie Rock Music, Thankyou to our supporters AND FRIENDS. We are Great Radio Station, With alot of Good Music ,and Great Websites and Partners we would like to Share for all Music Lovers. The Radio Station and, myself , We exploring the worldwide web of unknownment. We have a heart of love and an interest of Partners. We would want to share on our Website with you. .
Radio Eendrag Germany
Jou beste musiek radio stasie, 24/7. Als wat jy wil hoor Afrikaans, Country, 80's Treffers, Boeremusiek, ag als wat lekker is en lekker klink. 'n Stasie wat altyd jou voete laat jeug en jou tone laat omkrul van lekkerte. Your best music radio station, 24/7. Everything you want to hear - Afrikaans, Country, Hits from the 80's and Boere Music. A station that will make your feet tap and your hands clap! Hier kuier ons saam, lag ons saam, deel mekaar se vreugde, huil ons saam en deel mekaar se hartseer en verlange, vier ons saam fees in goeie tye en dans saam. Here we come together as a community to share good time and bad times, we laugh and cry together and then we celebrate what is important. 'n Radio stasie vir die waarheid, vir ons mense, mense met goue harte, mense wat al baie in die lewe deurgemaak het, maar mense wat die kuns ken om die mooi in die lewe te wardeer en geniet.
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Steedener weg Runkel/Dehrn GERMANY
RadioSam Music@web.de